Concrete Technology Solutions

Let us help you adopt new and emerging concrete technologies faster.

Get your concrete technology to market faster

Our team offers a variety of solutions to help new and emerging concrete technology get to market faster. Here’s how we do this:
man mixing a new concrete technology design

Reinforce Value

We work with everyone from the provider to the end user to help the industry fully understand the value of new and emerging concrete technologies.

intelligent concrete logo on top of concrete presentation

Develop Presentations

We create presentations that communicate value, results, and analyses and present them at DOTs and conferences and to engineers and owners.

Orange tubs for new concrete technology mixes

Manage Trials

We organize and manage field trials to test new concrete technologies and to help others further understand the value this tech can have now and well into the future.

man pouring concrete mix outside

Get Technical

We write technical research papers that analyze lab tests and simply and clearly explain results to the end users of new concrete technology.

Want to talk about an upcoming
concrete project? Reach out to us.

Are you ready for the world to benefit from your technology?

If so, we’re here to help. With our concrete testing solutions, concrete mix design capabilities, and data analysis experience, you can get your technology adopted faster, smarter, and smoother. Let’s change the world of concrete together.

Our Specialties

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    Optimizing Concrete Mix Design

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    Analyzing & Preparing Test Data

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    Building Qualified Product Lists

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    Relaying Benefits To 3rd Parties

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    Presenting At Industry Conferences

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    Publishing Technical Content

Intelligent Concrete has been an integral part of helping ICON emerge as one of the global leaders for 3D printing with concrete.  Without IC, it is doubtful that we would be where we are today.  They were more than just a consultant or contractor, they became a partner in helping us solve some of the thorniest problems possible with concrete.  Always delightful, always professional, always enthusiastic, and always brilliant… I’ve never met a group that loves and understands concrete the way they do.

  • Jason Ballard
  • ICON Technology

Better concrete starts here.

Interested in learning more about our concrete technology and concrete mix design solutions?
Fill out our online form, and we’ll get back to you soon.