laboratory equipment for astm test methods

What are ASTM test methods and why do they matter?

For starters, the main reason they exist is to ensure the safety, reliability, and consistency of materials. This is important not only for everyday life, but for the future of manufacturing and architecture as we know it.

Let’s break down what ASTM is and discuss a few different examples of ASTM test methods.

What does ASTM stand for?

ASTM is the American Society for Testing and Materials. ASTM is an important society of industry professionals who span across a wide variety of industries. These professionals work together to ensure that there is a high level of safety and consistency amongst different materials and products. 

Standards, test methods, and other mission-critical elements are developed and delivered by these experts and professionals in a variety of industry-specific committees.

What is an ASTM test?

An ASTM test is developed by a selected technical committee for each industry. For example, concrete experts meet regularly to discuss, develop, and publish ASTM standards for specific concrete purposes. 

There are two facets of ASTM testing to keep in mind. First, decisions regarding the quality and consistency of materials are made by an elected board of directors. Second, these decisions are upheld via standards and regulations by industry professionals and government agencies. These are carried through from the manufacturing process to the final application of the produced materials.

Each ASTM standard document created by the committee details specific requirements for testing and validation of materials. This includes everything from preparation and testing to standard guides and quality control. 

How many types of ASTM standards are there?

There are hundreds of standards that span across a variety of industries. Each standard serves a specific purpose with a given material or application – with the ultimate goal to ensure the quality and safety of materials. 

For example, there are standard testing procedures to ensure the chemical makeup and performance of concrete additives – which can expand to include the overall strength and performance of concrete

Concrete tests can include:

  • ASTM C39– concrete strength
  • ASTM C1260/C1567 – concrete durability
  • ASTM C779abrasion resistance
  • ASTM C1581:– shrinkage and cracking
  • ASTM C1585 – water absorption

Interested in learning more about ASTM tests?

At Intelligent Concrete, we provide clients with a variety of concrete testing solutions. Not only are we pros at conducting and analyzing tests, but we’re also experts at optimizing and developing smarter concrete solutions.

If you’d like to learn more about ASTM standards within the concrete world, we’d love to talk. Give us a call or send us a message online.

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